Sunday, July 26, 2009

We made it! Except for a late depature and some wet luggage in Miami, we had a good trip. We toured Antigua, bought some minutes for our phone and got some cash. It was a holiday when we arrived. Marching bands and street music were all around. We got caught in a rain storm but waited it out in a store with a great courtyard. This place is very lush and beautiful.
The B&B where we stayed last night is appealing, very old and quaint with pleasant courtyards. Janet is impressed.

Dinner with Phil was great. We had some of the best fish ever.

Off to breakfast next then on to Panajachel.


  1. Of course it was a holiday with marching bands, you were arriving. Did you expect any less?

  2. Praise be to God that you arrived safely! Sounds like typical adventures with wet luggage. Fortunately, it will dry out...some day. We live in a marvelous time when we can keep so closely in touch. We will be looking forward to your posts.
    Blessings and love,
    Carrie and Dave
